KT Assemblies Ltd.




Multitimer 4 0.3kg

Ideal for projects such as lighting control, garden monitoring, home automation and more the MT4 breakout board provides an interface for analogue or switched input and switched output between MKR footprint Arduino boards and third party hardware. The MT4 also has an interface for OLED displays which use the I2c bus, and socketed connections for SD card interfaces using SPI. Many libraries already exist for Arduino boards which support this hardware, so user designed configurations can quickly and easily be realised.Inputs to the Arduino MKR, be it the Zero, 1400 GSM, WAN or other variants with the same connection footprint, can be configured to use the screw terminals as digital inputs by applying the corresponding jumpers on the CONFIG INPUTS header, or as analogue inputs when connected directly to the header pins. Configuration jumpers connect a pull-up resistor making digital inputs normally high, so that a low signal will activate them. See the PDF Spec sheet for more detailed information

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